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 12 Tips To Relieve Waist Pain

Pain in the waist or lower back has repercussions on the whole body, since they limit movement and bring bad posture, so the following tips can help you reduce waist pain.

Benefits of yoga to relieve waist pain

·       Increase in the elasticity of the tissues, through bending, extensions and bending - curving the spine, relieving lower back pain.

·       Massage the entire spine, mainly the lower back.

·       Strengthening of the abdominal area.

·       Stretching the back muscles of the legs, the middle and the lower back.

·       Control and expansion of lung capacity.

·       Stimulation of the circulatory system.

·       Physical and psychological relaxation.

The most frequent causes of lower back pain are poor posture, stress, lack of exercise, sudden movements or due to problems in the spine.

Tips to relieve waist pain

These pains usually affect the normal development of daily life. These 12 easy yoga poses for the lower back can relieve and prevent lower back pain.

1- Awareness-Tadasana:

Standing with the feet separated as much as the width of the hips, the arms loose at the sides of the body, we perceive how we have the body and the breath.



2- Position 1-Tadasana:

With the legs hip-width apart, we inhale and when exhaling the chin rests on the chest, the trunk descends vertebra by vertebra until we reach the ground, we walk with our hands to the posture of four supports (knees-hands) we inhale arching the back slightly bringing the head back (if it is necessary to open the mouth so as not to violate the neck) and when exhaling we bring the head in, curving the back. We repeat 5 times.

3- Position 4-vajrasana:

Inhaling we bring the buttocks towards the heels, exhaling we slowly flex the trunk forward, the chin oriented towards the chest, trying to support the forehead on the floor, leaving the arms extended in front with the palms supported and then we bring them to the sides of the body palms down. We take three deep breaths in each position. Inhale as we sit up and exhale as we sit on our heels.

4- Position 5-Diamond:

Sitting on the heels (if necessary, place a pillow under the buttocks on the heels). We inhale and when exhaling the chin rests on the chest, inhaling we return to the center and when exhaling we bring the head back (if necessary, we open our mouth to avoid violating the cervicals). We repeat 3 times.

5- From the 4-Sukhasana position:

We extend the legs forward, we bring the right heel towards the pubis, we bend the left knee on the right leg (if it is necessary to place a cushion under the buttocks) We stretch the arms, leaving the wrists resting on the knees. With your hands on your knees. We inhale in the center and when exhaling we bring the right ear towards the right shoulder; we inhale in the center and when exhaling we bring the left ear towards the left shoulder. We repeat 3 times.

6- Sukhasana:

We inhale turning the head to the right side and backwards (if it is necessary to open the mouth so as not to violate the cervicals), we exhale returning to the left to the starting position, keeping our eyes open and we do it in a complementary direction. We repeat to each side 3 times.

7- We continue with position 6:

We extend our legs forward (sit on the sitting bones) we move our legs to the sides with free breathing. We join the thumbs of the toes, separating the heels. Inhaling we perform circular movements only with the ankles turning to the right and back and exhaling to the left and forward, we do it in a complementary direction. We repeat to each side 3 times.

8- Dandasana:

We bend the knees, supporting the soles of the feet on the ground, bending as much as possible, we hug the knees, bring the chin towards the chest, exhaled bringing the head backwards, keeping the knees bent, we inhale when returning to the position of departure. We repeat 6-7 times.

9- From the position:

With the knees bent, resting the soles of the feet on the ground, with our hands we hold the back of the thighs, let the chin rest on the chest and when exhaling the back descend vertebra by vertebra until reaching the ground and lie face up. Take a few deep breaths, sensing the lower back.

10- In the previous position:

Exhaling, flex both legs on the chest - inhaling raise both legs in the air (90 ° position) while carrying the arms extended above the head - exhaling, flex both legs again on the chest placing the arms to the side of the body (do not allow head up when you raise and lower your legs).

Repeat 6 breaths. Perform circular movements with the knees on the chest to one side and to the other (massage to the lower back).

11- From the previous position

Bring the feet towards the floor and bring them closer to the buttocks, the arms stretched out to the side of the body with the palms resting on the floor, we inhale and raise the pelvis, leaving the body resting on the feet, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and head, exhaling let the back rest on the ground vertebra by vertebra (lower-middle and upper back) we inhale and raise the pelvis while carrying the arms extended above the head. Exhaling let the back rest on the ground vertebra by vertebra (lower-middle and upper back) when inhaling with the elbows straight we let the arms return to the side of the body. In each variant we repeat 3 times.

12- From position 11- Savasana. Final relaxation

We extend the legs from the heel when exhaling (first right and then the left) and separate them a little, we keep the arms extended to the side of the body with the palms of the hands up. We try that the largest surface of the body is in contact with the ground and there are no flexed joints. Mentally we go through the body relaxing it, we start with the feet and end with the head.

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